Isaiah Jones Homestead Bed & Breakfast

Accessibility Statement

Property Accessibility Statement

Isaiah Jones Homestead Bed & Breakfast is listed on the National Register of Historic Places under the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.) or is designated as historic under State or local law (§ 36.405 Alterations: Historic preservation.). Thus, we are not able to offer handicap accessible accommodations since such alterations would destroy the historical significance of the property.

Website Accessibility Statement

Isaiah Jones Homestead Bed & Breakfast is committed to making our website accessible to people with disabilities.

We have designed our website to be accessible for impaired users to see, navigate, interact and understand the content provided as per the World Wide Web Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 Level AA (WCAG 2.0 AA).

We have tested the functionality of this website with the Google Chrome Accessibility Audit tool. We have also manually tested keyboard-only functionality so that people who use screen readers or can’t use a mouse are able to navigate through the website pages efficiently.

We will continue to make every effort to meet evolving accessibility standards.

As we continue to improve our website functionality, we appreciate your concerns and suggestions. We welcome impaired users to share accessibility issues you may find.

Contact us at the links below.

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